MTA Structures
A setup area must maintain the following clearances from MTA infrastructure:
- 15 feet minimum from a subway stair entrance (open side)
- 10 feet minimum from an elevator entrance (open side)
- 5 feet minimum from all other sides (closed)
- 3 feet minimum from an elevated structure
Review how to measure from MTA structures and view common MTA entrance conditions below.
Signage Visibility
Any element of a roadway cafe, including decorative plantings, located within 50 feet of any regulatory or warning signs including but not limited to signage listed below, shall be no greater than 46 inches in height. The 50 feet should be measured from the front of the regulatory or warning sign (i.e., in the direction of viewing the sign, not from the back or side of the sign).
Review how to measure from a sign or view the types of signs below.
A roadway cafe must maintain the following clearances from a crosswalk:
- 20 feet on the approaching side of an intersection
- 8 feet on the non-approaching side of an intersection
If no crosswalk is present, the roadway cafe must maintain 20 feet from the curb line of the intersecting street.

- If a vehicle passes your roadway cafe before getting to the crosswalk, you are on the approaching side.
- If a vehicle passes the crosswalk before getting to your roadway cafe, you are on the non-approaching side.
- If there is no crosswalk, go to the street that intersects with the street your restaurant is on. Measure 20 feet from the curb of that intersecting street.
Street Trees
No portion of a roadway cafe can impact a street tree or the surrounding bed of soil.
- You cannot place anything in the tree bed.
- You cannot attach anything to the tree's branches or trunk.
- The tree cannot be pruned, cut, or removed without express written permission from the Parks Department.
- Damaging a street tree in NYC is illegal.
If there is a street tree adjacent to your roadway cafe, we recommend installing a tree bed guard to reduce negative health impacts to the tree.

- Maintain clearance from all portions of the tree (leaves, branches, trunk).
- Do not locate any portion of the roadway cafe within a tree bed.
Fire Hydrants
A roadway cafe must maintain 15 feet from a fire hydrant. Review how to measure from a fire hydrant or view an image of a fire hydrant below.
FDNY or MTA Curb Cuts
A roadway cafe must maintain 10 feet from FDNY or MTA curb cuts. Review how to measure from an FDNY or MTA curb cut or view images of those curb cuts below.
Objects with 5 feet Clearance
A roadway cafe must maintain a distance of at least 5 feet from the objects below. Review how to measure from objects needing 5 feet of clearance or view images of those objects below.
Pavement Markings
A roadway cafe must maintain 6 inches clearance from any pavement markings, except for the buffer of a floating parking lane. Review how to measure from pavement markings or view an image of pavement markings below.
Utility Clearances
A roadway cafe must maintain 3 feet clearance from a transformer vault. Review how to measure from a transformer vault or view an image below.
A roadway cafe must maintain 1 foot 6 inches clearance from vent infrastructure (subway grates, at-grade ventilator grates, etc.) Review how to measure from vent infrastructure or view images below.
Manholes are permitted within a roadway cafe, but any element of the cafe (e.g., barrier, tables, chairs, etc.) must maintain a minimum of 1 foot 6 inches clearance. Review how to measure from manholes or view an image below.
Remaining utility infrastructure, including but not limited to the list below, are also permitted within a roadway cafe, but any element of the cafe, including flooring, cannot prevent visual location of or physical access to the utility covering. Review how to measure from utility coverings or view images below.